
Playwright Bio

Robert Montenegro lives in Juneau, Alaska. His plays have been workshopped and/or produced in Washington D.C. by Rorschach Theatre, CUA Drama, Blind Pug Arts Collective, The Inkwell, and others. He holds an MFA in Playwriting from the Catholic University of America and is a graduate of Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.

National New Play Network — New Play Exchange: Robert Montenegro 

For a list of upcoming productions/workshops/readings, go here.

Here’s my (probably outdated by now) playwright résumé.

Here’s proof that I do indeed have an MFA and I’m not just full of shit.

And below you’ll find some brief information about plays I’ve written and, in some cases, links to download full or partial scripts. Enjoy.


Fifi and Hunter Forever! – A young actor eager for a chance at stardom is conscripted into a faux tabloid relationship with a washed-up former child star. He soon learns just how much pressure there is — and how much of himself he’ll be asked to sacrifice — to stay relevant in a Hollywood where movie scripts fall from the sky, flash bulbs pop like champagne corks, and reaching the top means hitting bottom.

Workshopped at CUA, 2013-14

Produced by CUA Drama, Feb-Mar 2014

Periwinkle – Prodigal son Amos returns to a fractured family home after losing his cushy job at an east coast architecture firm. Ashamed to admit how he got sacked, Amos enlists his dada-crazed brother Kip in a fake business venture designed to save their feuding parents’ marriage.

Workshopped with Inkwell Theatre, October 2013

The Strangers in Our Skin (in progress) – Survivors of a cataclysmic event struggle to maintain hope as an unknown contagion ravages the world outside their bunker. Also: origami, because origami can make even the end of the world feel all that much better.

Adapted from a shorter play workshopped at CUA, 2012